Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not so joyful about Glee

I hate to admit it, but I'm feeling a little let down by Glee this season. Peanut loves the show, and many times I have rocked him to sleep while he watched You Tube videos of Artie's flash mob scene to "Safety Dance", their awesome rendition of "Bad Romance," and have topped off the trio with Rachel's "Don't Rain on My Parade."

My sister-in-law will disown me for it, but I thought the Britney episode was twelve shades of awful.  That storyline was so unrealistic. I mean, I don't know a dentist who still uses nitrous oxide, and for sure my dentist doesn't look like John Stamos.

Glee, you make me sad. You're kind of a loser.

1 comment:

  1. disowned. And now I will no longer be reading your blog either. You did this to yourself Shelley.

    I will not take out my disappointment in you on Peanut. He still lights up my life. You, however, are in the doghouse.
