Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dinner out? What's that like?

I know, I know. I should take people up on their offers to watch Peanut so my husband and I can have a date night. Problem is that we're pretty spontaneous when it comes to dinner (much to my frustration 'cause we never have a dinner plan). So when we have the urge to go out to dinner, we are basically screwed. It is just NOT happening with the boy. Evenings are all about feeding him, then feeding him again, then bathing him, then feeding him again. All in the space of about 1-2 hours.

So I guess it's meatloaf again?

Here's a picture of him leisurely enjoying his bath. And for the record, still no poop.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Poop happens (except in my house).

Whilst it's not abnormal for a breastfed baby to go several days without pooping, it makes my son very unhappy and uncomfortable. He gets so super farty, and let me tell you what - they are some kinda stinky. I feel bad for my boxer Sissy because her breath smells like Peanut's toots (but I digress). I know this is too much information, BUT I wind up having to give him a glycerin suppository up the bum after the third day or so of no BMs.

So now I'm putting Benefiber in my coffee and eating a Fiber One bar every day. And to my delight, the commercials don't lie. Cardboard no, delicious yes.

Pray that my little guy can push one out this afternoon.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm bringing sexy back.

My dear cousin suggested vajazzling to add a little pizazz to sexy time. 'Cause I will tell you, I think the moms who talk about post-partum sex and use the word "amazing" are big fat liars.

So since it's time for a wax, what do you think? Swaravoski crystals? How about a big butterfly over my vajayjay? Or should I keep it simple with just an arrow?

I totally think this will be the new wave of home parties.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Holy long nipples!

I had to travel last week for work (first time away from the bebe) and I was a pumping machine. I even pumped on the airplane (both times in my seat, both times sitting next to a man).  I was very discrete, for the record.

My roommate in my hotel told me she had no idea nipples could get that long. Note to self: when pumping in front of people, even in front of another woman, use a cover.

Trouble now is that I'm totally afraid my supply has taken a dip. And in order to catch me up, my son has nursed every 45 minutes since he woke up. I'm a human dairy farm.

Hooray, my first post!

I've succumbed to peer pressure and finally started a blog about my life as a working mama. I had my first baby in May 2010, and now I'm back at work. It's tough to be torn between wanting to care for him full-time because I know him better than anyone but also wanting to have a career, adult interaction, conversations about strategy and high-level thinking, yada yada yada.

At least I work from home. And please bear with me as I figure out my voice here.