Friday, October 15, 2010


Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. We love our 5 month old Peanut, but we still miss our baby boy who we lost at 9 weeks gestation. He would've been one next month. I'm still shocked to find how much I miss him, and I still cry when I think about the loss. It was devastating and life-changing.

Lots of hugs to the families out there who've lost a little one. It's an unhappy club to be a member of, but I'm thankful for all the wonderful support I've received from other moms who've miscarried.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not so joyful about Glee

I hate to admit it, but I'm feeling a little let down by Glee this season. Peanut loves the show, and many times I have rocked him to sleep while he watched You Tube videos of Artie's flash mob scene to "Safety Dance", their awesome rendition of "Bad Romance," and have topped off the trio with Rachel's "Don't Rain on My Parade."

My sister-in-law will disown me for it, but I thought the Britney episode was twelve shades of awful.  That storyline was so unrealistic. I mean, I don't know a dentist who still uses nitrous oxide, and for sure my dentist doesn't look like John Stamos.

Glee, you make me sad. You're kind of a loser.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The mommy version of "morning wood?"

Peanut has been trying to kill me via a slow, mammary death and by not sleeping at night anymore (where, oh where, did my good sleeper go?). He has even been waking up to eat 30 minutes or an hour after going to bed, in addition to waking up in the middle of the night for a feeding. So last night we gave him a teeny bit of rice cereal, I nursed him, and put him to bed at 8. I went to bed at 9:30, and I did not pump before bed because he'd been waking up and I wanted to make sure I had milk for him.

Fast forward to morning...he slept through the night (hooray), but my boobs were HUGE. I should've taken a picture, but they looked a little like this.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Have passport, but no travel.

I've been invited to go to Munich and Salzburg in November, but alas, I will not be able to go. My little guy would not be on board with his food source traveling overseas, and it would just be too much (mentally, physically, and financially) for me to try to bring him. Did you know that even if you're traveling with a lap infant, there is still a ticket charge for a baby to fly internationally?

Maybe when he's older and would actually be able to remember a great trip abroad, we will try a vacation to some exotic location. For now, the Von Trapp family will miss having me visit their great country, and I will be left with the age-old question of, "How DO you solve a problem like Maria?"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Selling my house sucks balls.

It is soooo tiring. We run around like crazy people trying to get the house ready to show, making sure it's clean and doesn't smell like dog (or baby poop - yes, he pooped yesterday AND today, hooray!). And it's extra-tricky because my husband and I both work from home.

While they were in our house, we went to Cake Crumbs for cupcakes and watched bad You Tube videos.Today's was a third showing, so hopefully they'll put in an offer. And then I can let my house go to pot again. I hate you beige tile kitchen floor, I hate you! Why must you show dog hair so easily? Aaaaaahhhhh!