Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm bringing sexy back.

My dear cousin suggested vajazzling to add a little pizazz to sexy time. 'Cause I will tell you, I think the moms who talk about post-partum sex and use the word "amazing" are big fat liars.

So since it's time for a wax, what do you think? Swaravoski crystals? How about a big butterfly over my vajayjay? Or should I keep it simple with just an arrow?

I totally think this will be the new wave of home parties.


  1. Remember when you told me that in Europe they had places that trimmed your "down there" hair and I was like, "I want the Jennifer Aniston" cut!!!
    Ranks right up there with vajazzling. I think if I had to take the time to do anything for myself, I'd settle for a pedicure!

  2. Any more posts about sexy time with my brother and I will unsubscribe to this blog so fast.....
