I know, I know. I should take people up on their offers to watch Peanut so my husband and I can have a date night. Problem is that we're pretty spontaneous when it comes to dinner (much to my frustration 'cause we never have a dinner plan). So when we have the urge to go out to dinner, we are basically screwed. It is just NOT happening with the boy. Evenings are all about feeding him, then feeding him again, then bathing him, then feeding him again. All in the space of about 1-2 hours.
So I guess it's meatloaf again?
Here's a picture of him leisurely enjoying his bath. And for the record, still no poop.
It will get better once he's on solids, I promise. Then you don't have to be a milk factory each evening and he can go a little longer without having to nurse. Loving your blog!