Thursday, December 9, 2010

Peanut has a hollow leg.

Peanut's finally not such a peanut anymore. He was in the 3rd-4th percentile till we started solids, and then at his 6 month appointment, he finally jumped up to the 10th-25th percentile. And he luuurves to eat. I make most of his food and freeze it in ice cube trays. Tonight he had 2 cubes of green beans, 2 cubes of squash, some chicken, the rest of last night's applesauce, and a 3.5 oz container of pears and blueberries. Oh, and two squares of mangoes in one of those mesh feeder things. And then he nursed on both sides.

He's got such a cute double chin, and oh, the pulkies! His little thighs are like turkey legs!

I know this is not one of his best pictures, but you still want to eat his face, right?


  1. so cute! can't wait to see him again one of these days...

  2. What a healthy eater! I love chunky baby thighs. Perfect for munching!
